Can LOW cholesterol harm your health?

For years we’ve heard about the dangers of high cholesterol, but did you know that low cholesterol can lead to aggression, and has been linked to premature aging and death and other adverse health effects? In a world gone crazy with anti-cholesterol mania, and where it is considered good to gobble down drugs designed to force the liver to produce less cholesterol, it is vitally important to look at the research on the health benefits of cholesterol, or conversely, the dangers of low cholesterol (less than 140 mg/dL).

Here are just a few of those health benefits of cholesterol:

  • Helps prevent aggression
  • Needed to fight cancer
  • Helps prevent hemorrhagic stroke
  • Necessary for memory
  • Can promote longevity
  • Helps fight infections

Given that cholesterol is essential for life, and that each of our cells is capable of synthesizing it, we should not be surprised that cholesterol has significant health benefits. Nor should we be surprised that cholesterol lowering drugs can have numerous adverse health effects. Talk to your doctor about this.