Both of these women are 80 years old!

Both women pictured above are 80 years old. Which one would you rather be? The choice is yours. You can either end up like the decrepit woman on the left or the vibrant woman on the right.

Americans are notorious for spending their hard-earned money on non-essential things like alcohol, cable television, high-speed internet, golf, vacations, restaurants, new cars, the latest smartphone or big-screen TV, beauty salons, jewelry, and designer label clothing, yet will neglect the most important thing in life: Their health. Life goes by way too fast. Sooner rather than later is when you should take action regarding your health.

The 10 words that nobody wants to say on their deathbed are: “I really should have paid more attention to my health.” Sadly, most people are too busy living their lives to stop and imagine the regrets they might have when they are about to die. For many, by the time they realize that they should have taken better care of their health, it’s too late. Don’t let that happen to you. We all have been given the gift of life, but without good health, we have nothing.

Comments from Dr. Thomas: For more information on the kind of diet that promotes excellent health, click here. For more information on how meal-timing can enhance your diet, click here. To learn how to exercise for maximum benefit, click here. And if you would like to take advantage of the latest scientific breakthroughs in anti-aging medicine, click here.