80% of adults are not as healthy as they think they are

According to a recent study from England, four out five adults have cardiovascular systems that are more damaged than they should be for their age, and this puts them at risk of premature death due to heart attack or stroke. Nearly 80% of the 1.9 million people studied were found to have the cardiovascular health of someone 5-10+ years older. These alarming figures show that most adults are unknowingly digging themselves are early grave by living at high risk for a heart attack or stroke.

When it comes to preventing cardiovascular disease, having normal blood pressure and cholesterol is not enough. Nearly half of all heart attacks and strokes occur in people with “normal” cholesterol or blood pressure. Therefore, routine testing often fails to identify people at risk for heart attack and stroke. So, when your doctor checks your blood pressure and looks at your bloodwork and tells you that “everything is fine,” please don’t take that at face value.

Comments from Dr. Thomas: At our office, we go far beyond routine testing so you can know your true risk for our nation’s #1 killer: Cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke). To help predict and prevent fatal cardiovascular disease years in advance, new cardiometabolic testing now allows us to catch subclinical (symptomless) vascular disease at the very beginning, as well as detect more advanced stages of vascular disease. Such an approach is crucial to stop you from digging yourself an early grave not only due to heart attack and stroke, but also cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes. For more information, click here.