When it comes to improving the air quality in your home, you can purchase a high-quality HEPA filter like Austin Air (click here). However, there is another option that is less expensive and extremely effective: Filling your home with houseplants. NASA found that certain species of plants can eliminate up to 87% of toxins from the air, including formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, trichloroethylene, carbon monoxide, and even dust. The most effective houseplants were found to be English ivy, spider plants, and Boston ferns. One or two plants won’t make a big difference. It is recommended to have many of these houseplants throughout your home.
Published September 17, 2018 by Dr. Daniel Thomas, DO, MS
How to remove 87% of the airborne toxins inside your home
Dr. Daniel Thomas, DO, MS
Dr. Thomas is a dedicated and hard-working physician with a wealth of knowledge and experience. With a medical career spanning over 35 years, he has helped people worldwide by providing innovative solutions to improving and maintaining their health. His strength lies in his scientific curiosity, creative and analytical thinking, and practical application of important biomedical research. Despite the demands of a full-time medical practice, to stay at the forefront and continuously improve the care of his patients, Dr. Thomas devotes 20-30 hours a week to reviewing the latest scientific literature and talking with leading scientists to uncover potentially promising treatments.