Cancer experts warn that NO amount of alcohol, sausage, or bacon is safe

According to landmark research recently conducted by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), even small amounts of processed meats and alcohol increase the risk of cancer. In the largest study ever conducted that examined the various cancer triggers, it was found that even a single serving of sausage, bacon, or alcohol can increase the risk of cancer of the liver, ovary, prostate, stomach, esophagus, breast, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, and uterus. This refutes the outdated notion of, “Everything in moderation.”

In the United States, in 2018, an estimated 1,735,350 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in 2018 and 609,640 people will die from the disease. New cases of cancer are expected to increase by 58% by 2035. And here is the most disturbing statistic of all: The incidence of cancer in our children has skyrocketed 40% over the past 20 years! The cancer problem is so overwhelming that we cannot treat our way out of this problem. We must instead prevent our way out.

Comments from Dr. Thomas: Those who “live to eat” and who only care about taste, will not enjoy long and healthy lives. It is better to “eat to live” and realize that nowadays, for every bad food, there are healthy substitutes. There are plenty of delicious, plant-based sausages and bacons on the market. And for great alternatives for alcoholic beverages, please visit my previous health blog entitled “Alcohol is not your friend!