Is cholesterol really the bad guy?

Contrary to what many have been led to believe, cholesterol may not be the “bad” guy when it comes to coronary artery blockage and subsequent heart attacks. The real culprit that causes damages to blood vessels and subsequent heart attacks may be environmental pollutants we silently accumulate from the moment of conception to the moment we die. Cholesterol is laid down by the body as a “Band-Aid” to help repair damaged blood vessels.

Think about what our bodies are exposed to in thirty, forty, or fifty or more years of life: air pollution, pesticide-covered fruits and vegetables, food additives, chemicals in the water, antibiotics in meat, gasoline fumes, cigarette smoke, alcohol, plasticizers, prescription drugs, mercury fillings, and chemicals in cosmetics and household cleaning products. All of these toxins are pervasive, virtually unavoidable, and are hazardous to your health. Over time, they can cause cellular damage and can predispose you to a wide variety of serious chronic diseases including heart disease.

Detoxification is essential for well-being and proper functioning of the body. The organs involved in neutralizing and eliminating toxic chemicals and heavy metals include the liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines, and skin. The liver is the chief organ involved in the detoxification process. Liver detoxification consists of two phases: Phase I and Phase II. Both of these phases must work properly for effective detoxification to occur. If either phase is not well executed, it will damage your health.

Comments: I have personally witnessed amazing heath improvements when we lower the toxic loads on my sickest patients. If you are suffering with a chronic health condition that has been resistant to conventional medical treatment, I recommend that you consult with us.