Sex and sleep are the REAL keys to happiness

It is often said that money can’t buy happiness. Well, researchers have now found two things that can buy happiness. In a recent study conducted by the National Center for Social Research in England, it was found that sex and sleep were the top things that had the greatest impact on a person’s happiness and quality of life.

It was found that the most rested people scored 15 points higher on an index designed to rate overall happiness. People who were deeply disappointed with their sex lives scored 7 points lower on average than those who were very satisfied. Interestingly, by the same metric, it was found that quadrupling one’s income increased the index just 2 points.

Comments: To learn how to revitalize your sex life, click here and here. To learn how to get more restful sleep, click here. And to learn how to live a healthier and longer life, click here.