Is this the root of all disease (and even aging itself)?

From the electric-powered devices we use in our homes to the gasoline-powered cars we drive, everything needs a source of energy (power) to function. The human body is no different. Instead of electricity or gasoline, the body is powered by an energy source called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is made from the food we eat by the tiny capsule-shaped cellular structures called mitochondria.

The body is genetically programmed to be healthy and disease-free, and it is ATP that powers the energy-intensive cellular mechanisms needed to maintain our health and fight disease such as, tissue regeneration; DNA repair; killing of bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells; and removal of toxins. But without sufficient energy in the form ATP, regardless of our genetic programming, our body’s ability to carry out its assigned duties will be undermined.

Recent discoveries in cellular biology have found that the root cause of all disease (and even aging itself) may boil down to drops in energy production. When mitochondria become impaired and the supply of ATP slumps, our cells face an energy crisis, and the body is unable to work at full efficiency to maintain our health and fight disease.

Comments: Having an effective way to stimulate mitochondria to produce more ATP represents a new and exciting approach to promote youthful vitality at the cellular level, prevent and fight disease, and increase longevity. Fortunately, this innovative area of medicine is available now. At our office, we have advanced therapies that can increase mitochondrial activity so that your body is better equipped to handle nearly any problem as you age.