Oxygenating the body

Oxygen is vital to every physiological function of the body. Poor tissue oxygenation is a hallmark of nearly all chronic, degenerative diseases, as well as aging itself. Increasing oxygen utilization by maximizing oxygen content in the blood and improving delivery to the cells can make a profound difference in your health and well-being by stimulating powerful, oxygen-dependent biological mechanisms that promote healing and cellular rejuvenation.

In our office, we utilize a state-of-the-art system called LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast that simultaneously increases blood flow, blood oxygen levels, and subsequent oxygenation of muscles and vital organs better and faster than any other known method available, including exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).

LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast utilizes a stationary exercise bike and generates hypoxic (lower oxygen) air to stimulate protective vascular reflexes that dilate capillaries and increase blood flow to the vital organs by up to 400%. Recuring pulses of hyperoxic (higher oxygen) air are given that increase blood plasma oxygen levels by 600%. This unique alternation between higher-oxygen air and lower-oxygen air produces unprecedented levels of oxygenation in the body. For more information, click here to watch a brief YouTube video.

Comments: Treatment with the LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast system takes 15 minutes and costs $150 per session. If purchased as a bundle of 10 treatments, the cost is $1350. That’s a 10% reduction from the single-treatment price. For comparison, treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy takes longer (90 minutes), costs more ($350 per session), and cannot achieve the level of oxygenation of the LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast system.