New hope for those with cancer

Research on intravenous vitamin C and its effectiveness against cancer continues to accumulate. Vitamin C induces apoptosis (programmed cell death). A high concentration of vitamin C allows for ascorbate to generate hydrogen peroxide inside tumors and selectively kill cancer cells. Research has shown that high-dose vitamin C is cytotoxic to a wide variety of cancers. It also improves the anti-cancer activity of several common chemotherapy drugs. Vitamin C boosts immunity by stimulating collagen formation to help the body wall off the tumor. And it inhibits hyaluronidase, an enzyme that tumors use to spread and invade other organs throughout the body.

Comments from Dr. Thomas: At my office, we combine intravenous vitamin C with ozone hyperthermia. This regimen has been found to reduce tumor size by as much as 50% within 3 weeks. Eighty percent of patients had improvement of cancer-related symptoms within 2 weeks. This improvement was sustained at 5 months in 50% of patients. After 18 months, 42% of patients had partial or complete stoppage of tumor growth. As with any disease process, there is no guarantee on the outcome of treatment.