6 surprising early signs and symptoms of dementia

Let’s face it. Whereas gray hair may look “distinguished,” of all the changes associated with aging, one of the most common and devastating is the decline in cognitive function. People fear the loss of independence and control of their life as a result of losing their mental capacity more than they fear the results from losing their physical abilities.

Sadly, the risk of dementia is battle that many will face, but one that most people will ignore. It is vitally important that you identify potential symptoms of neurodegeneration at the earliest possible stage while there is still time to address them. Most people assume that these symptoms are a natural and normal part of aging. They are not! You should take these symptoms seriously.

Most, but not all, of the signs and symptoms of dementia involve memory loss. Here are 6 surprising ones that are associated with dementia that do not involve memory loss:

  1. Stealing or other law-breaking activity
  2. Falling frequently
  3. Eating inappropriate things
  4. Unable to recognize sarcasm
  5. Depression
  6. Unfocused staring

To learn if you may be at risk for dementia, CLICK HERE to take the free online dementia quiz.