Could blue light replace your morning cup of coffee?

In a recent study, scientists found that blue light was more effective at keeping you alert than caffeine. People exposed to blue light performed better at distraction tests than those drinking coffee.

Blue light from smart phones an other gadgets has been getting a bad reputation for interfering with sleep. That’s because the blue-colored light coming from these devices suppress melatonin production—a brain chemical which helps control sleep.

In the study, people who were exposed to blue light did better on brain-function tests that included a distraction. The same distraction proved too much for caffeine users. They did poorly on the same test.

In as little as 15 minutes per day, Blue Light Therapy, as it is called, can increase energy levels and alertness, fight winter-time or rainy-day blues, and boosts your mood. The device that I personally use is the Philips HF3332 goLITE BLU Light Therapy Device. It is available from for $160.