The “secret” to successful aging

Which part of the body is most vital to our independence and quality of life as we age? It’s not our mind, bones or heart. It’s our muscles. Age-related muscle loss is known as sarcopenia. Most have never heard of sarcopenia. Muscle loss can underlie osteoporosis, falls and balance. Sarcopenia affects 40% of people once they hit 80. Seniors with muscle loss are more likely to fall and end up in nursing homes, where up to 60% of the residents have sarcopenia. Weak muscles today mean a senior tomorrow might be not be able to get out of a chair without help, or might not be strong enough to get in and out of the shower. Lose the ability to do daily activities, and you will lose the ability to live independently.

For information on how to exercise over 300 muscles with 3 simple moves, please email me.