Improve your mental health with these 8 lifestyle changes

Many of our modern illnesses are linked to the mind as much as they are to the body. Other cultures have health beliefs that do not separate mental and physical health. In America, we’ve been slower to adopt that concept.

Most of the lifestyle choices that can improve our physical health can also improve our mental health. Here are eight of them:

  1. Exercise: Regular physical activity can prevent and relieve depression. It can also improve memory and overall cognition.
  1. Diet: Eating a grain-free diet, rich in multicolored fruits and vegetables and lean meats is food for the brain.
  1. Nature: Spending time outdoors, getting some sun on our skin, and smelling fresh air can reduce stress and lessen depression.
  1. Relationships: We are designed to be social and spending more time with family and friends can improve happiness and quality of life. On the other hand, social isolation increase the risk of mental illness.
  1. Recreation: Any hobby or activity that engages your concentration and intellect.
  1. Stress Reduction: Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like, have sex more often, soak in a hot tub, stay in touch with friends, play with your dog (if you don’t have a dog, adopt one; unconditional love is priceless), listen to soothing music, watch a funny movie, get a massage, count to ten before losing your temper, and avoid difficult people whenever possible.
  1. Service to Others: When we volunteer and help others, we benefit in terms of psychological well-being.
  1. Honesty: Mental illness is common, but is often swept under the rug. We are all at risk of being affected. We need to be open and honest with ourselves. By recognizing when problems are just beginning and seeking help early, we are not only helping ourselves, but also those around us.