Epidemic of blindness on the horizon

Experts are warning that we are facing a coming epidemic of blindness if we continue spending hours staring at digital screens. The high-energy light emitted from LED television and computer screens, laptops, tablets, video-game consoles, and smartphones can cause irreversible damage to our eyesight by damaging the retinas (the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eyes). When the retina is exposed LED light, harmful genes and enzymes are stimulated that cause death of retinal cells.

Currently, there are nearly a billion devices with LED screens being used in the United States. Of those, nearly 100 million are used by children at home and school. It is urgent that adults take heed and take immediate action to protect themselves and their children from further retina deterioration. Experts recommend that for every 20 minutes you stare at a digital screen, turn your gaze 20 feet away for 20 seconds or more to let the eye muscles relax.

Comments: For additional ways to stop retina damage, I recommend using special apps or filters that reduce or convert the harmful blue light to a more natural wavelength of light similar to sunlight. One such app for your computer is called f.lux (click here). A better solution would be to use Reticare filters (click here) or wear Spectra 479 glasses (click here).