Practical tips for a flatter stomach

A bulging midsection is a sign that you have too much visceral fat—the thick, yellow fat inside the abdomen. This fat produces appetite-simulating hormones and inflammation-promoting chemicals. Even if you’re not overweight, having an oversize waistline dramatically increases your risk of cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

You won’t transform your body if your favorite phrase is, “Pass me another cookie.” If you really want a flat stomach, you’re going to have to work for it.

Doing the best abdominal exercises is important (more on that later), but here’s what will help more than anything:

  1. Reduce your calorie intake.
  2. Increase your metabolism by including exercises that target the largest muscle groups. These exercises include squats, pull-ups, lat pulldowns, deadlifts, and lunges.
  3. Vacuum as often as possible and pull your belly button to your spine and hold it for 30-90 seconds at regular intervals.
  4. Include the best ab exercises in your routine 5-7 days per week. According to researchers at the Biomechanics Lab at San Diego State University, the two best ab exercises are the Bicycle Exercise and the Captain’s Chair. To see a video demonstration of these exercises, go to