When it comes to sleep, both quantity and quality matter. Sadly, one-third of Americans are not getting the recommended minimum of 7 hours of sleep, and fewer are sleeping well. If you are one of these people, you may wish to sleep in your own bed. This may sound sacrilegious if you are married, but many couples have found they sleep longer and deeper when they sleep apart. After intimacy and retiring to separate bedrooms, couples find that they appreciate each other more once they reunite in the morning. If you need to improve your sleep, you may wish to give this a trial run for 30 days.
Published October 1, 2021 by Dr. Daniel Thomas, DO, MS
Sleeping apart may improve your health
Dr. Daniel Thomas, DO, MS
Dr. Thomas is a dedicated and hard-working physician with a wealth of knowledge and experience. With a medical career spanning over 35 years, he has helped people worldwide by providing innovative solutions to improving and maintaining their health. His strength lies in his scientific curiosity, creative and analytical thinking, and practical application of important biomedical research. Despite the demands of a full-time medical practice, to stay at the forefront and continuously improve the care of his patients, Dr. Thomas devotes 20-30 hours a week to reviewing the latest scientific literature and talking with leading scientists to uncover potentially promising treatments.