Preventing a life-threatening COVID infection

If you have antibodies against COVID induced by the vaccine or from an actual infection, do not assume you are bulletproof. The virus continues to mutate and the variants of COVID give it increased resistance to antibodies. Deadly breakthrough infections can and do occur. To safeguard your health, you and your doctor may wish to be aware of what the scientific literature suggests may be helpful in preventing a COVID infection from escalating to a life-threatening infection. The following compounds have been studied and look promising according to researchers:

Comments from Dr. Thomas: Please note that this information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, and monitor­ing by your personal physician. Therefore, I cannot comment as to appropriateness in your situation, nor give dosages or treatment guidelines. That is for your personal physician to determine after carefully studying the references above.

Updated August 2, 2023