Eight foods you should never eat

Clean eating means choosing fruits, vegetables, and meats that are raised, grown, and sold with minimal process­ing. Often they’re organic, and rarely (if ever) should they con­tain additives.

Here’s a list of 8 foods you should never eat:

  1. Canned vegeta­bles: The resin that lines tin cans contains BPA (bisphenol-A), a synthetic estro­gen-like chemical that has been linked to re­productive disorders, heart dis­ease, diabetes, and obesity. Choose fresh or frozen vegetables instead.
  2. Corn-fed beef: It is lower in beta-carotene, vitamin E, anti-inflammatory omega-3’s, conju­gated linoleic acid, calcium, magnesium, and potassium; higher in pro-inflamma­tory omega-6’s; and higher in satu­rated fats tied to heart disease. Buy grass-fed beef instead.
  3. Microwave popcorn: Chemi­cals, including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), in the lining of the bag, are part of a class of com­pounds that may be linked to in­fertility, and can­cer of the liver, testicles, and pan­creas. Pop organic kernels using a hot-air popper. For fla­vor­ing, you can add real but­ter or dried season­ings such as dill or nutritional yeast flakes.
  4. Conventional potatoes: Root vegetables absorb herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides that end up in the soil. Washing isn’t sufficient if you’re trying to re­move chemicals that have been absorbed into the flesh. Buy or­ganic potatoes instead.
  5. Farmed salmon: It is lower in vitamin D and higher in carcino­gens, PCB’s, brominated flame retardants, and pesticides such as dioxin and DDT. Switch to wild-caught Alaska salmon. If the package says fresh Atlantic, it’s farmed. There are no commercial fisheries for wild Atlantic salmon.
  6. Milk produced with hormones: Milk producers treat their cows with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) to boost milk production. It may contribute to breast, prostate, and colon cancers. Check labels for rBGH-free, produced without artificial hormones, or organic milk.
  7. Conventional apples: If fall fruits held a “most-doused-in-pesticides” apples would win. Buy organic apples instead.
  8. GMO foods: Genetically-modified foods have been shown to cause great harm to humans, animals, and the environment. Some of the effects include birth defects, obesity, cancer, and food allergies. The top GMO foods include corn, soy, and wheat. Buy foods using organic corn and soy only. Regarding wheat, consider going wheat/gluten-free, or buy foods using the wild/heirloom wheat mentioned in the bible called Einkorn wheat. All modern wheat (even organic) is called Dwarf wheat and is result of decades of cross-breeding and hybridization.