Why it took a leading integrative cancer doctor to show us how to fight aging

You may have heard about the tech billionaires who have been pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into ambitious longevity research projects (click here). What does this have to do with me? As one of the world’s leading experts in integrative cancer therapy, my job is to address shortcomings in conventional oncology to improve treatment outcomes. Most oncologists have no strategy to offer their patients to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence after remission has been achieved, nor how to reverse the effects of accelerated aging caused by chemotherapy. To properly address these urgent and unmet needs, I also had to become one of the world’s leading experts in the science of longevity. This is because a growing body of evidence strongly supports the hypothesis that by slowing or reversing the aging process, we may delay or prevent the onset or recurrence of cancer, as well as repair damage left behind by conventional treatment.

I view life as a precious gift and good health as an asset far greater than the combined wealth of all the tech billionaires. I embrace this view because I love life and want to live as long and as healthy as possible. I reject the notion that chronic disease and an overall decline in health are an inevitable part of getting older. Rather than wait years before the tech billionaires’ research yields anything useful, below are eight proactive, cutting-edge, and science-based steps that I take right now to:

  • Stay energetic, fit, mentally sharp, and free of dependency on others
  • Overcome many of the biological constraints that limit our ability to slow the aging process and extend lifespan beyond the average of 78.7 years (click here) and possibly beyond the “maximum” of 124 years (click here)
  • Increase resilience against “age-associated diseases,” including cancer, heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, kidney failure, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis, frequent infections, autoimmunity, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, chronic fatigue, and frailty

STEP 1: Cultivate a healthy lifestyle

  • Eat an organic, whole-foods, plant-based, low-glycemic, nutrient-dense diet
  • Strength-training 3 days per week and brisk walking on the other days
  • Drink plenty of pure water
  • Maintain gut health
  • Don’t smoke or drink
  • Get sound sleep
  • Spend time outdoors
  • Cultivate a spirit of playfulness and gratitude 

STEP 2: Maintain optimal bloodwork

  • Cholesterol: 140-160 mg/dL
  • LDL: <100 mg/dL
  • HDL: ≥60 mg/dL
  • Triglycerides: <100 mg/dL
  • Cortisol (stress hormone): ≤12 µg/dL
  • Fibrinogen (blood clot potential): ≤275 mg/dL
  • hs-CRP (silent inflammation): ≤0.5 mg/L
  • Homocysteine (methylation): ≤7.5 µmol/L
  • Fasting glucose: 65-85 mg/dL
  • Fasting insulin: ≤5 µIU/mL
  • GlycoMark® (absence of post-mealtime glucose spiking): ≥20 µg/mL
  • Hemoglobin A1c (average glucose level for the last 90 days): ≤5.2%
  • Ferritin (iron): 30-50 ng/mL
  • Vitamin D: 40-60 ng/mL

STEP 3: Eliminate senescent cells and decrease their toxic secretions

Cellular senescence is an age-related process in which older cells stop dividing to create healthy new cells. This leads to the deterioration of tissues and organs and manifests in various diseases, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, frailty, and dementia. Senescent cells accumulate with age and release pro-inflammatory molecules and protein-degrading compounds that cause tissue damage and physical decline. In a vicious cycle, senescent cells induce the senescence of surrounding healthy cells through a “bystander” effect, which leads to more senescent cells and further degradation of one’s health and longevity.

Many scientists believe that by eliminating as many senescent cells as possible and suppressing the secretion of the harmful compounds from the remaining senescent cells (collectively known as “senotherapy”), we could lead a more disease-free life, enjoy a more youthful vigor, and extend lifespan. Based on the latest science, to slow the rate of cellular senescence by regulating sphingolipid metabolism, I take reishi spore extract. To eliminate senescent cells, I take a “senolytic” cocktail consisting of prescription dasatinib, bioavailable quercetin and fisetin, and FOXO4-DRI peptide. And to decrease the toxic secretions of those senescent cells that cannot be eliminated, I take a “senomorphic” (also known as “senostatic”) cocktail of prescription rapamycin, specialized pro-resolving mediators, tocotrienols, apigenin, and bioavailable melatonin. 

STEP 4: Boost the effects of fasting

A growing body of scientific literature has shown that fasting (prolonged calorie restriction) can lead to longer and healthier lives. Most of the physiological effects of fasting emanate from the following mechanisms:

  • Increased AMPK activity: Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an enzyme that is involved in several longevity pathways and plays a key role in energy metabolism, insulin sensitivity, inflammation control, DNA repair, and muscle performance. Increasing AMPK activity reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Decreased mTOR signaling: Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a central regulator of cell metabolism, growth, proliferation, and survival. When mTOR is chronically elevated, it triggers numerous harmful events that increase the risk of age-associated diseases.
  • Increased autophagy and mitophagy: Autophagy and mitophagy are the natural cleansing processes the body uses to remove accumulated cellular waste and damaged mitochondria that interfere with normal cell function. Autophagy and mitophagy decline with age, causing cells to become damaged at an increasing rate, resulting in numerous age-related diseases. Studies have shown that stimulating autophagy and mitophagy leads to improvements in health and longevity.
  • Upregulation of sirtuins: Sirtuins are a family of proteins that play important regulatory roles in numerous cellular functions. Sirtuins impact the body’s inflammatory balance, cellular growth, circadian rhythms, energy metabolism, neuronal function, and stress resistance. Sirtuins counteract age-related declines in brain function, help maintain healthy blood sugar and lipid levels, and preserve muscle mass and exercise capacity.
  • Increased NAD+ levels: Oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme crucial to cellular energy production. This coenzyme is found in every cell of the body and is necessary to make compound ATP (adenosine triphosphate)—the primary carrier of energy in cells. Declining NAD+ levels are directly associated with aging. This leads to impaired mitochondrial function, resulting in numerous age-related diseases. NAD+ is also needed to activate sirtuins. Restoring NAD+ to more youthful levels can help rejuvenate an aging body and improve resistance to disease.
  • Inhibiting NF-κB: Where there is aging there is chronic inflammation. The relationship is so intimate that scientists have coined the term “inflammaging.” This refers to the ongoing, low-grade inflammation that occurs as we grow older. It promotes the development of age-related disease. If we can disrupt this type of inflammation, we can slow and help reverse a chief cause of the degenerative changes associated with aging. Scientists uncovered a key gene-regulating protein complex called Nuclear Factor-Kappa B (NF-κB). NF-κB is a primary driver of inflammation and inhibiting its overproduction can reverse chronic inflammation and its negative effects.

To experience the benefits of fasting, I refrain from eating for 16 hours a day, limit my window period of eating to 6 hours, and have two meals per day: one at 12:00 noon and the other at 6:00 pm. As an alternative, I have 9 hours of fasting in between my two meals and eat at 10:00 am and 7:00 pm. I avoid snacking between meals. Based on the latest science, to amplify the above molecular pathways, I take a calorie-restriction-mimetic cocktail of hydroxycitrate, bioavailable curcumin, luteolin, nicotinamide riboside, piperlongumine, pterostilbene, spermidine, and white willow bark extract.

STEP 5: Reset genes

With aging, there is an increase in the expression of genes that promote inflammation, oxidative stress, insulin resistance, cancer, and tissue deterioration, along with a simultaneous decrease in the expression of genes that inhibit inflammation, oxidative stress, and cancer, and promote insulin sensitivity, DNA repair, and removal of damaged proteins. One of the most significant scientific discoveries in decades, in my opinion, took place in 1973 with the discovery of a human tripeptide called GHK (glycyl-L-histidyl-L-lysine) that was found to reset gene expression of human cells to a healthier state. This opened the door to a whole new way to prevent and treat age-related diseases and restore a more youthful state of health. Based on this promising scientific data, I take GHK administered as a painless microinjection.

STEP 6: Restore youthful immune function

Immunosenescence is the term that refers to the progressive decline in immune function brought on by advancing age. It underlies many of the diseases of aging. It also accelerates the aging process by causing a state of hyper-inflammation that damages neurons, blood vessels, and joints. Immunosenescence also increases the risk of cancer as well as frequent and severe infections. To live a longer and healthier life, our immune system must be able to function at peak performance. Based on the latest science, I use a combination of Cistanche extract, curcumin, melatonin, Pu-erh tea, reishi mushroom, sermorelin, and low-dose naltrexone to target immunosenescence. These compounds have been found to improve immune function by various and complementary mechanisms.

STEP 7: Regenerate the endothelial glycocalyx

The endothelial glycocalyx is the slippery, gel-like, and ultra-thin layer that coats the inside of our 60,000 miles of blood vessels. It is the protector of our vascular system and vital to maintaining good circulatory health. By age 40, the glycocalyx begins to deteriorate (thin). This increases the risk of hypertension, heart disease, stroke, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, loss of visual acuity, kidney disease, dementia, weakened immunity, inflammatory disorders, and cancer metastasis. To reverse the deterioration (thinning) of the endothelial glycocalyx layer, I take rhamnan sulfate, a natural compound derived from the edible seaweed Monostroma nitidum found to regenerate a healthy (thick) endothelial glycocalyx.

STEP 8: Reversing habitual over-breathing

Chronic hypoxia (persistent lack of optimal tissue oxygenation) is a major driving force for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, and numerous other health conditions. Most people have habitual “over-breathing” or “hyperventilation” patterns at rest, such as chest breathing instead of diaphragmatic breathing, mouth breathing instead of nose breathing, and rapid and deep breathing instead of slow and shallow breathing. These abnormal breathing patterns lead to hypocapnia or decreased carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the alveoli (lungs) and arterial blood. This lack of CO2 is harmful because it constricts blood vessels which leads to decreased perfusion of vital organs and, due to the Bohr Effect, impairs oxygen release from hemoglobin which leads to hypoxia. Fortunately, this can be reversed over time with proper breathing retraining exercises.

It seems counterintuitive, but the more air one breathes, the lower the levels of CO2 and the less oxygen that reaches the tissues. Having normal levels of CO2 in the alveoli (exhaled air) and arterial blood (40 mmHg or 5.3% at sea level) is crucial for good health. Numerous chronic diseases are associated with hypocapnia from over-breathing and the resultant tissue hypoxia. For example, in a 2001 Ukrainian study, 120 women with metastatic breast cancer were found to have an average of only 22 mmHg or 2.9% of CO2 in their exhaled air. In the same study, it was found that breathing retraining exercises reduced mortality in the women by nearly six-fold! It’s as if tumors are cries of the body for more oxygen. To promote normal breathing patterns, healthy CO2 levels, and optimal tissue oxygenation, I spend 15 minutes a day doing breathing retraining exercises while checking emails.

Comments from Dr. Thomas: Despite the hype, stem cell therapy is not the path to take for a long and healthy life, in my expert medical opinion. In fact, the FDA has been cracking down on doctors administering stem cell therapy due to concerns over resultant infections, blindness, cardiac arrest, migration of stem cells from placement sites and changing into inappropriate cell types, failure of stem cells to work as claimed, and growth of tumors (click here and click here).

Lastly, too many people focus more on “looking” better by using crash diets, plastic surgery, cosmetic dentistry, and a visit to the beauty salon. If you look good on the outside but are literally rotting on the inside, you have accomplished little. True health begins on the inside. Our approach goes far beyond so-called “anti-aging” doctors. To learn more, please email me at drthomas@healthyandstrong.com.

For more information:

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